CySync App

The all-in-one app to manage your Crypto

  • 9000+ digital assets supported
  • Multi wallet support
  • Use your favorite dapps through WalletConnect
  • Manage other hardware & software wallets you use with the same app
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Manage & Secure all your Crypto Assets like an expert

Gain peace of mind by securing and managing 9000+ coins & tokens supported on the app today. Send, receive & track their prices in real-time to stay on top of your game.

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Manage Up to 4 Wallets Seamlessly

Cypherock X1 goes beyond supporting multiple recovery phrases, offering advanced security features and flexibility for tailored crypto asset management.

Asset Segregation Asset Segregation Asset Segregation

Asset Segregation

Multiple seed phrases enable categorization of crypto assets based on specific needs. For instance, users can allocate phrases to Bitcoin, Ethereum & ERC20 tokens, and NFTs, adding an extra layer of security.

Strategic Distribution Strategic Distribution Strategic Distribution

Strategic Distribution

Recovery phrases can be designated based on funds stored, creating a 'savings' wallet and 'spending' & 'decoy' wallets. This strategic distribution enhances protection, especially in coercive situations.

Portfolio Aggregation Portfolio Aggregation Portfolio Aggregation

Portfolio Aggregation

Track your portfolio across any BIP-39 compatible wallet like Ledger, Metamask, Phantom in a single place

Use your favorite dapps through WalletConnect

Access 15+ Web3 Dapps - including Uniswap, Gnosis Safe, Lido, and Zerion - and grow your portfolio with the help of WalletConnect

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Get Real-time Notifications for everything important

Receive alerts for significant events such as transactions, net-worth fluctuations, security updates and much more

Buy the best hardware wallet today
Cypherock Card