Are hardware wallets the safest way to store your crypto?

Team Cypherock
Team Cypherock
6 min read
Are hardware wallets the safest way to store your crypto?

In the rapidly evolving realm of cryptocurrencies, safeguarding your digital wealth is a top priority. The options are as varied as the tokens themselves, and each choice comes with its own set of advantages and risks. While exchanges, software wallets, and hardware wallets are all contenders, the ultimate goal is to keep your crypto safe and sound. Let’s explore the current options for your crypto storage and understand why hardware wallets are emerging as the top pick for the security-conscious.


Many people who are into cryptocurrencies tend to start by keeping their digital assets on cryptocurrency exchanges. These platforms, like Coinbase, Binance, and CoinSpot, make it easy to manage and trade your assets quickly. However, they also come with significant security risks.


The problem with exchanges is that they are centralized, which means they are attractive targets for cybercriminals. Despite their efforts to have strong security measures, they can still be vulnerable to attacks. When you keep your cryptocurrency on an exchange, you don’t have full control over your private keys, which are like the keys to your financial safety.

Several cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance and FTX, have experienced security breaches in the past. For example, in 2019, hackers managed to steal $40 million from the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, including two-factor user codes and API tokens. Recent events have shown us that these kinds of incidents can happen again. If the exchange you’re using gets hacked, you could lose your cryptocurrency for good. Exchanges are prime targets for hackers, and there have been several cases where hackers have caused significant losses to users.

This is why it’s highly recommended to always move your cryptocurrency from the exchange to a wallet to keep your money safe. By doing this, even if the exchange gets hacked, goes out of business, or faces unexpected problems, you won’t lose the cryptocurrency you’ve worked hard to accumulate. This way, you don’t have to rely on the exchange to keep your assets safe.

Software Wallets

Software wallets, available as mobile apps or desktop programs, offer users more control over their cryptocurrency compared to exchanges. However, they come with their share of risks, primarily due to their “hot” nature. This means they are always connected to the internet, which poses a significant threat to your crypto security.


The internet is where most crypto-theft attacks and scams take place. Software wallets can be vulnerable to malware, phishing attacks, and computer viruses. If your device is compromised, your assets become susceptible to theft.

In the crypto space, phishing attacks and malware threats are unfortunately common. Scammers often target users of software wallets in their attempts to gain access to private keys and siphon off funds.

To safeguard your crypto, it’s crucial to avoid storing your private keys and funds in hot wallets or software wallets like Metamask. Additionally, refrain from using cloud storage for backups that are perpetually connected to the internet. There have been instances in the past where hot wallets were breached, resulting in users losing their funds.

How Hardware Wallets Keep Your Crypto Safe?

Hardware wallets are specialized devices designed for the secure storage of cryptocurrencies. They are also called “cold” wallets as they always remain offline, isolated from the internet, and safeguard your assets.

Hardware wallets address and solve a wide range of security issues associated with storing your crypto in exchanges and software wallets.

Unlike exchanges and software wallets, hardware wallets generate and store your seed phrase and private keys completely offline in a secure manner. The wallet is never connected to the internet; it always stays offline and your private keys are also stored offline and only used to sign transactions and nothing more. The private keys and seed phrases never go out of the hardware wallet. This isolation from the internet mitigates remote attacks like phishing attacks.

However, there are a lot of different hardware wallets out there and it is important to choose the right one. There are certain important requirements when it comes to choosing a wallet if what you’re looking for is the best security.

The wallet you choose must have a trusted display and on-device physical buttons. These are important to visually verify and confirm transactions before signing them at will. Along with having a display, it is also important that the wallet supports clear signing. The wallet should also be audited and scrutinized. Fully open-source hardware wallets are a good choice as the firmware and the transaction signing function would be open to the public, and anyone can audit and verify the code running on the device, providing complete transparency. The wallet should authenticate itself with the server; this is to ensure that the firmware and hardware are authorized and legit, not malicious. These pointers are crucial while considering a hardware wallet as these requirements will mitigate most attack vectors in the field of hardware crypto wallets and help keep your funds safe.


Now, you can further improve your crypto security by opting for a hardware wallet like the Cypherock X1. Not only does it come with all the features and necessities we mentioned above, but unlike other wallets, the Cypherock X1 doesn’t store your private keys in a single device in a centralized way. Most hardware wallets centralize your private keys, and if this single device gets lost or stolen, there are good chances that your funds can be stolen.


So unlike other wallets out there, the Cypherock X1 decentralizes your private key by using Shamir Secret Sharing and splits the private keys into five parts. Each of these five parts is securely stored across four X1 cards and the X1 vault, which serves as the central device with a built-in screen. You can also set a PIN to protect each part individually on these five hardware components (the X1 vault and four X1 cards), adding another layer of security. This way, even if you lose one or two X1 cards or the X1 vault, you never lose your crypto funds as long as you have access to any two out of the five parts.


You can just use any two of the X1 cards or combine an X1 card with the X1 Vault to reconstruct your private key and sign transactions. Users can even view the seed phrase by using the X1 vault in conjunction with any one of the X1 cards during the transfer process. This eliminates the need to write down the seed phrase on paper or a metal backup for wallet transfer.

To answer the question, “Are hardware wallets the safest way to store your crypto?” – the answer is a resounding “yes.” Hardware wallets are the pinnacle of crypto security, with their offline, isolated design and stringent security measures.

However, it’s important to remember that not all hardware wallets are created equal. When choosing the right hardware wallet, you must consider the trusted display, on-device physical buttons, open-source nature, and authentication with the server. By meeting these requirements, you can mitigate most attack vectors and keep your crypto assets safe.

Trusted Display and Button

A reliable display ensures users can review and double-check transaction summaries, verify information and addresses, and authenticate actions with a PIN or password. Plus, with those physical buttons, you get to confirm and give the green light to transactions only when you’re good and ready. It’s like having your own double-check system, making sure your transactions are safe and sound.

Open Source (Transparency)

When you’re picking a hardware wallet, go for one that is more transparent with its open-source software. Why? ‘Cause it lets the community dig into the code, spot out any bugs, and shows the maker’s seriousness about security. Plus, these open-source wallets get regular updates and improvements that keep rolling in for the long haul. In this context, Cypherock stands out, as it, too, is built on open-source software. This seamless integration reinforces our dedication to transparency and aligns with the ethos of open-source principles.

Compatibility with Operating Systems

Look for one that’s not picky about operating systems; it should be compatible with various OSs like Windows, macOS, and Linux. This way, no matter what device you’re using, your hardware wallet is ready to sync up.

Range of Supported Cryptocurrencies and Tokens

Now, onto the main thing—the cryptocurrencies and tokens it’s willing to host. You want a hardware wallet that’s not playing favorites. Check out its list of supported digital currencies. Bitcoin? Obviously. Ethereum? Sure thing. But what about the less mainstream ones? The more, the merrier. A diverse range means you’re not limited to just the big shots; you can diversify your crypto portfolio without switching wallets. In line with this flexibility, Cypherock supports a bunch of cryptocurrencies and tokens, giving you the freedom to manage your digital assets, no matter how varied they are.

Audit Assurance

When a wallet gets audited and scrutinized, it’s like giving it a super-strict security check to ensure that the wallet is legit, transparent, and trustworthy. If a wallet goes through this intense checkup, it’s like getting a seal of approval that says, “Hey, your digital assets are in safe hands!” It’s basically the manufacturer’s way of saying, “We got your back and we’ve fixed any potential weak spots.” Speaking of such thorough security measures, Cypherock takes this commitment seriously by being audited by Keylabs and scrutinized by WalletScruitiny, ensuring that their users can have complete confidence in the safety and integrity of their digital assets.

Server-based Authentication

Integrating server-based authentication into a hardware wallet adds an extra layer of security by verifying the integrity of the device’s components. It involves the server communicating with the device during the booting process, and the device’s response serves as confirmation that its components are secure. This approach prevents unauthorized access and protects against potential malicious alterations to the device.


Make sure your hardware wallet has a tamper-proof design. This means that once it sets up and seals the deal with your seed phrase, it’s resistant to tampering. So, if anyone tries messing with it afterward, there’ll be obvious signs like scratches and damage, providing clear alerts against any unauthorized access.

Country of Manufacturing

When you’re thinking about picking a crypto hardware wallet from a company that relies on a Chinese manufacturer, you’ve got to consider things like policy changes, government rules, data security concerns, and regulatory interventions. The crypto ban in China adds an extra layer of risk, making your assets susceptible to geopolitical pressures. However, when you opt for hardware wallets like Cypherock, which are fully made in India, you’re free from those concerns, and you get a crypto hardware solution that’s both secure and dependable.


Now that you know how to select a hardware wallet, your journey to securing your digital assets begins with informed choices. In safeguarding your crypto wealth, choose wisely, choose confidently, and choose a hardware wallet that aligns with the standards outlined in this comprehensive guide.

Having that said, Cypherock attests to all the standards mentioned in the blog. Our commitment to open source, universal compatibility, and rigorous audits positions it among the very best hardware wallets on the market. Choose Cypherock and ensure that your crypto wealth receives nothing but the highest level of security.

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